Nyrene Grace Patricia Paranga

Contributing Writer
Nyrene is a university student with a passion for writing. She finds joy in meticulously planning events and trips up to the smallest detail through her tracker sheets. From time to time, she engages in spontaneous trips out of town or family trips to different regions in her country. She also loves engaging in immersion activities with people from different provinces of the Philippines to learn about the stories in the unheard and unnoticed places outside the nation’s capital.
Nyrene is a university student with a passion for writing. She finds joy in meticulously planning events and trips up to the smallest detail through her tracker sheets. From time to time, she engages in spontaneous trips out of town or family trips to different regions in her country. She also loves engaging in immersion activities with people from different provinces of the Philippines to learn about the stories in the unheard and unnoticed places outside the nation’s capital.

Good things are meant to be shared!
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