Perry Tours
Perry Tours
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English - Dutch


9 years guiding

Lives in

Barcelona, Spain

Hello! My name is Perry, originally from the heart of Belgium, famed for its waffles and fries. However, it wasn't just the call of the Spanish sun that brought to Barcelona, but rather a captivating encounter with a German-Uruguayan beauty in Thailand. This led to the birth of our son in Ibiza, and eventually, more than two decades ago, I found myself in the vibrant city of Barcelona.

My passion for meeting people from different nationalities and cultures, coupled with an insatiable appetite for adventure, has empowered me to transform ordinary days into extraordinary stories. In 2020, I embarked on a new journey by starting my own sightseeing company, showcasing the wonders of Barcelona to people from all over the world. With nine years of guiding experience in this magnificent city, I am thrilled to share its beauty and hidden gems with you.