Lanusenla Jamir

Contributing Writer

Lives in

Nagaland, India

Lanusenla is a budding travel writer who thrives on the excitement of uncovering new destinations and turning those encounters into a profound sense of belonging. While she is relatively new to travel writing, her love for exploration has been a lifelong affair. Lanusenla enjoys three aspects of travel: anticipation and planning, the immersive experience of culture and cuisine, and the simple joy of moving from place to place, savoring the unfamiliar while discovering the familiar. For her, a fulfilling travel experience relies on human connections, and she cherishes moments spent with loved ones, though solo adventures also hold a special place in her heart.
Lanusenla is a budding travel writer who thrives on the excitement of uncovering new destinations and turning those encounters into a profound sense of belonging. While she is relatively new to travel writing, her love for exploration has been a lifelong affair. Lanusenla enjoys three aspects of travel: anticipation and planning, the immersive experience of culture and cuisine, and the simple joy of moving from place to place, savoring the unfamiliar while discovering the familiar. For her, a fulfilling travel experience relies on human connections, and she cherishes moments spent with loved ones, though solo adventures also hold a special place in her heart.

Good things are meant to be shared!
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