Achyuth Nambiar

Contributing Writer

Lives in

Chennai, India

Currently pursuing a Master's in Comparative Literature from English and Foreign Languages University. Has had previous experience as a writer for an online tech journal while teaching as a passion. Aims to travel extensively and visit a number of ancient ruins across the world. Spent most of his life in the southern region of India thus, creating a distinct appreciation for its cuisine. Usually found spending the bulk of his time reading, gaming or looking after his plants.
Currently pursuing a Master's in Comparative Literature from English and Foreign Languages University. Has had previous experience as a writer for an online tech journal while teaching as a passion. Aims to travel extensively and visit a number of ancient ruins across the world. Spent most of his life in the southern region of India thus, creating a distinct appreciation for its cuisine. Usually found spending the bulk of his time reading, gaming or looking after his plants.

Good things are meant to be shared!
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