日本京都 10 家獨特且價格實惠的民宿推薦

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在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 January 02, 2025。

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1. 京都車站附近的傳統日式町屋民宿 (USD 38 起 )

離東本願寺僅幾步之遙的這家民宿就座落在擁有 70 年歷史的傳統日式町屋中。您可以在這裡體驗睡在榻榻米上的感覺。民宿內設有雅致的小書房和日式庭園,讓您在閒暇之餘可以悠哉的看書或品茶。民宿距離 JR 京都站只有 15 分鐘步行距離。如果您想要更自由地安排行程,可以考慮租用民宿提供的免費腳踏車瀏覽這座美麗的城市。需要注意的是,民宿不提供餐點,您可能需要自行外出購買。

距離 Kyoto Tower 781 公尺(0.5 英尺)
340 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
青年旅館內的房間 2 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 2 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

the staff is nice
the host is nice and kind
host and staff were welcoming and friendly
very helpful host
staff is super friendly and helpful
this airbnb is close to kyoto main station but slightly further away from main attractions
great place to stay very close to kyoto station and almost central to many attractions
the location of the house is perfect close to the station but also to the city center
perfect location to everywhere in center kyoto
great place great location and wonderful people
very clean and comfortable
very clean and friendly
everything was very clean and neat
room is clean and well equipped
the place was convenient and clean
the room itself was spacious and comfortable and had an air console for the hot summers
the room is as described and comfortable
with a beautiful zen garden and tatami floors in the dining room and bedrooms
the room was great for two travellers with two comfortable futon beds a small table and an armchair
i do have to say the room looked much better in the photos

2. 充滿禪意和藝術氣息的京都民宿 (USD 333 起 )

這家位在京都東側山上的民宿有著 77 年的歷史,提供寧靜祥和的環境。或許是因為房東是藝術家,對美的敏銳度比較高,所以屋內的裝潢、擺設及花園的布置都極富巧思,是個充滿詩情畫意的房源。入住這裡的旅客在特製的大扁柏浴缸中放鬆,聆聽四周的蟲鳴鳥叫,肆意地享受大自然的懷抱。若您想要遠離都市的喧囂,體驗不同的京都風情,來這裡就對了!但要注意的是,由於房源位在山坡上,攜帶較多行李的人建議搭車前往。

距離 Kyoto Tower 6.2 公里(3.9 英尺)
388 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整棟聯排別墅 2 張床 4 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

thank you so much for being the perfect host jinn
jinn is a gracious host
the host jinn was incrediblyhelpful and thoughtful throughout our entire stay
the host jinn is very nice
jinn is a great host
the location is very good
the bus stations are pretty close to the house and connect to major tourist locations
it is located in a quiet and beautiful beifhbourhood
it was not in the downtown but you can easily take bus to almost every attractions
the walk to nearby places was also nice
the hostel was really clean and nice
it’s very quiet and clean such a lovely house
his place was spacious immaculately clean and very comfortable
the house is extremely clean and tidy and has a very relaxing vibe
this very big house was old and totally in tradition japanese style but well-protected and clean
we loved the bath overlooking the zen garden and the traditional tatami rooms
the property is very comfortable stylish easily accessible and has great atmosphere
the house is very well set up & incredibly comfortable
the beds on the floor are super comfortable
the in-room facilities were really modernized and comprehensive

3. 金閣寺旁寬敞可包棟的京樂屋金閣寺民宿 (USD 57 起 )

想要參觀世界遺產金閣寺、平野神社或是北野天滿宮嗎?京樂屋金閣寺民宿就位在距離上述景點步行不到 5 分鐘的位置,且只需步行 1 分鐘即可抵達前往京都站的巴士站,相當方便!本民宿擁有 93 平方米的寬敞私人空間,配備現代化的設施,最多可容納 9 人住(僅提供包棟),是那些想要擁有專屬私人空間的家庭或團體的旅宿首選。更棒的是,民宿還提供免費的自行車租借,讓您輕鬆出遊!

距離 Kyoto Tower 5.97 公里(3.8 英尺)
243 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整套民居 6 張床 9 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 9

the host was really responsive and provided excellent customer service
the hosts were very kind and hospitable
host is a very nice lady with kindness and supporting
the host was very quick to respond and was very willing to help
thank you very much for hosting us
very nice guest house~ location is good
location was a bit of a challenge getting to but worth it
the house is really comfortable easy to find coz it is near the bus stop
the great thing about the location was how close it was to the temples
the neighborhood is quiet and was a relaxing place to stay
clean and all needed available to find
very clean traditional japanese style house ample space
vary clean and the space is very big
it's a very traditional house clean with convenient facilities
it was clean beautiful and provided us with an authentic experience
the house is very clean and fully equipped with all the amenities from kitchen to washing areas

4. 結合現代與傳統藝術的京町屋暮蟬民宿 (USD 81 起 )

京町屋暮蟬是一家改造自有百年歷史的京町屋的民宿,在翻新的過程中力求保留傳統建築的歷史韻味。此外,您還能在民宿中見到許多當地藝術家的壁畫和裝飾。該民宿位於京都一流的清酒產區伏見,附近有 20 多家清酒釀酒廠。周圍還有寧靜的寺廟和神社及許多迂迴的小巷街道,您可以免費租借自行車慢慢地參訪這些景點,這絕對會成為您旅途中的美好回憶。

距離 Kyoto Tower 5.7 公里(3.6 英尺)
643 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整棟聯排別墅 2 張床 4 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

the host were very kind & accommodating
the host was very kind and caring
the hosts were responsive and very helpful
they are great hosts and incredibly kind
a special shoutout to the hosts which were amazing
the location was great
the location is a bit remote but there are easy transport routes to kyoto station inari nara
there are interesting places to vist near the house
very nice location with a beautiful outside area
amazing location with easy access to kyotos attractions and lots of great places to eat nearby
the house was clean and so comfortable
a gorgeous clean home nestled in a district of kyoto well worth exploring
the house is very clean and stylish i believe it can bring you a different living experience
very beautiful traditional japanese small house with nice wall paintings the house is very well equipped and clean
moreover clean easy to reach welcoming and comfortable to sleep
although we brought one the ac & usb adapter was very useful
good traditional house to stay in sleeping isn't the most comfortable but the backyard is nice
we loved the house and the space is very comfortable for me and my mom to stay

5. 生活機能便利的吉祥民宿 (USD 103 起 )

吉祥民宿距離西大路車站北口僅需 8 分鐘的步行距離,旅客走路即可抵達著名的賞櫻景點——梅小路公園——和鐵道博物館。民宿房間內鋪有榻榻米,最多可容納 4 人,配備基本的炊具、冰箱、微波爐、電飯鍋,方便住客自己做飯,也非常適合想要體驗當地人日常生活的您來入住!

距離 Kyoto Tower 2.05 公里(1.3 英尺)
151 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 1 張床 4 位 1 間臥室

可入住人數: 4

very nice host and beautiful traditional guest house
chen is a very good host
really good place and host
great place to stay nice host
it’s very nice place to stay the owner is very friendly
there are buses to get to most kyoto attractions within 10-15min walk from her place
her home very special japanese style nice environment and very close to the station
spacious clean quite and well-decorated apartment
a very clean pleasant and quite house recommend
the place is good and clean
clean peaceful close to many amenities
nice cosy clean and very spacious for my baby to crawl around without much of a worry

6. 由神社木匠操刀設計翻修的傳統日式聯排別墅 (USD 46 起 )


距離 Kyoto Tower 6.53 公里(4.1 英尺)
233 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 3 張床 3 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 3

friendly host and nice japanese style home
directions were easy to follow and the owner is super nice
highly recommend and eriko is a fantastic host
eriko is so friendly and we truly enjoyed her hospitality
the hosts were extremely accommodating and attended to all needs promptly which made us feel welcomed
walking distance to subway for easy downtown access
good restaurant options very close
location was good too a short walk (8-10 minutes) from the nearby bus station which was very convenient
the bus system how ever is great
stylish and clean home located 15 minute walk away and 5 min bike away from the train station
safe clean convenient and friendly neighbors
it’s a clean tidy and cozy traditional house
very quiet very clean
it's a traditional and clean house for tourist who travels in kyoto
eriko is lovely her place is super clean and comfy
the bath/shower was great internet was also strong
eriko’s space is stylish and cozy and was perfect for our stay in kyoto
we loved the wooden shower/bath and the tatami mat bedroom
5 km) with its endless and attractive running path from the apartment

7. 京都平安神宮附近的百年曆史民宿 (USD 32 起 )

擁有百年歷史的和樂庵位於京都市中心,這棟日式聯排建築靠近著名的平安神宮。身處傳統的日式庭園能讓您沉澱心靈。和樂庵提供的房型皆鋪有榻榻米的日式單人房,需要與別人共用浴廁,您也可以前往 10 分鐘步行距離的公眾浴池,體驗日本的泡澡文化。此外,若有需要使用廚房或租賃自行車,皆可向工作人員詢問。

距離 Kyoto Tower 3.82 公里(2.4 英尺)
204 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
聯排別墅中的獨立單間 2 張床 1 位 1 間臥室 2 間衛浴

可入住人數: 1

the staff was always helpful
the host was super helpful and friendly
yuki is a very sweet and knowledgeable host
great place friendly staff :d
very nice and helpful staff
awesome little guest house 10 minutes on foot from nearest subway station
amazingly kind and helpful staff location is perfect and it’s a cute interior with nice tatami rooms
it is in a great location to see temples and shrines and go hiking
fantastic location truly local experience and a very kind and memorable host
best place to go temple hopping on this side of town
place was very clean and lovely
everything was convenient and clean
the house is just beautiful and clean
a very comfortable night's stay in a clean and well equipped guesthouse
the place is really nice it looks exactly like the pictures and it feels really calm and cozy
the actual rooms are fantastic and definitely worth a stay
traditional machiya style rooms are so cozy and comfortable

8. 近 JR 京都站的京都豪宅 (USD 210 起 )

這家民宿不但鄰近 JR 京都站,就連擁有日本最高木造古塔的著名寺廟——東寺——也在附近。它是由老舊京町屋全面翻新而成,最多可容納 8 人,非常適合家庭或團體入住。論是餐廳、廚房或房間都配有地暖系統,並設有高級的酒店式浴池,在放鬆泡澡的同還能欣賞日式庭園中的美景,絕對能讓您擁有舒適又溫馨的住宿體驗。

距離 Kyoto Tower 915 公尺(0.6 英尺)
165 住客評語   無線網絡 有
小屋 2 張床 7 位 3 間臥室 3 間衛浴

可入住人數: 7

host is responsive to questions
the host was also very responsive
takashi was a wonderful host
very nice stay and host is accommodating and nice
great place for a family trip nice and clean the host was helpful with everything
super convenient location
great place and close to kyoto station and toji temple bus stop
great location close to kyoto train station and toji temple
the walk to kyoto station was also incredible easy and quick
excellent host quiet location a few mins walk to aeon mall
house is clean and stylish
clean and comfortable traditional japanese house
it was great really clean
impeccably clean spacious for our family of 5 comfortable and convenient
clean rooms definitely would come back to stay for my next visit
beds were plush interior design absolutely beautiful
the rooms were beautiful and thankfully the ac units cooled work well
the bed was extremely comfy and the bedroom really relaxing

9. 擁有 90 年歷史的日式房屋日暮莊 (USD 72 起 )

日暮莊是位於京都市中心的一家小民宿,距離京都站只有 20 分鐘的距離,可搭乘巴士、地鐵或 JR 前來。民宿所處的上京區便是古代平安京城區,漫步在附近的街道上可以感受到古今兩種風景巧妙地融合在一起。民宿共有五間客房,但房型各不相同。本房型為位於一樓的雙人房 SUZU,從陽台可直接欣賞正前方的花園,享受大自然。入住時,民宿還會提供免費澡堂卷,讓您與當地人一起享受日本的澡堂文化。

距離 Kyoto Tower 3.47 公里(2.2 英尺)
289 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
聯排別墅中的獨立單間 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

staff are friendly and helpful
the host is very friendly and can speak english well
the receptionist was kind and fluent in english
helpful and friendly front desk
very nice host and a great neighbourhood
good location and great atmosphere
definitely a like near to bus stop and convenient store
great location very accommodating if you arrive before check in
lovely little place great location really enjoyed staying here at this guesthouse
i had a great time incredibly clean and authentic great location
it was very clean and also authentic
shared bathroom/kitchen/dining areas very clean and well kept
everything was clean and they receptionists were friendly
fantastic japanese style house clean cozy enjoying a good view of japanese garden
cozy room with beautiful garden view
we had a beautiful room in the traditional house with garden view
the homemade breakfast at an additional cost is delicious
the breakfast was simple but delicious
if you’re comfortable with a hostel-like environment (i

10. 超適合情侶夫妻的露天浴池山景民宿 (USD 99 起 )


Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto,京都,日本
距離 Kyoto Tower 1.74 公里(1.1 英尺)
285 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套出租房源 1 張床 2 位

可入住人數: 2

the host is wonderful as well
cole was also very helpful and helped us resolve a situation with our courier service
the owner has been extremely responsive as well
great host would stay again
i couldn't recommend it more and cole was a great host
the location is great
small studio but good location
the location is close to downtown but in a much nicer area
it was very well located walking distance to a lot of good sights
real solid location would highly recommend
clean great ryokan style experience comfy beds and nice quiet neighborhood
when we arrived everything was clean and ready
i definitely recommend this place for couples the place is very clean the outdoor bath is an amazing amenity
it was a clean space and the host is very friendly/responsive
as for the home itself it is extremely clean well-designed and relaxing
very beautiful shower area with amazing view of the night sky
for tatami room the thin mattresses were surprisingly comfortable
awesome place that bathroom view and outdoor shower/bath is awesome
this is a beautiful compact apartment best for 1 or 2 folks who plan to primarily eat out
coles place was in a great location and cozy the bath tub with a view was incredible


京都這座歷史名城除了豐富的文化遺產和名勝古蹟,更有著從明治至昭和年間所建造的各式建築。走在京都的街道上,就像置身在日本歷史的時光長廊中。您不僅可以參觀各種景點,還可以逛逛市場街或專賣店,甚至參加各種文化活動,更深入地體驗京都的傳統生活。是不是越想越心動呢?歡迎從我們提供的 10 家獨特且價格實惠的京都民宿中挑選一間您喜歡的,並由此展開您的京都之旅,創造專屬於您的美好回憶吧!

聲明: 本站所有內容是經由專業團隊進行獨立評估後選取的。部分信息包含合作夥伴連結。


歡迎訂閱 Trip101 電子報


喜歡旅遊、喜歡攝影、喜歡看小說、喜歡運動,但真正喜歡的卻是作夢,不切實際的夢! 討厭虛偽、討厭懦弱、討厭不信任、討厭假掰,但真正討厭的卻是自己,不面對現實的自己!

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