北海道有眾多地點可賞玩,但位於其中心點的富良野有獨特魅力,包括令人嘆為觀止的薰衣草田、白雪覆蓋的滑雪場等,還有像登山健行、騎單車、釣魚、乘滑翔傘、滑雪等諸多戶外活動可參與。本篇為大家整理出日本北海道富良野 10 大住宿推薦,這些旅店舒適又便利,絕對可滿足您的需求,準備出發吧!
在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 January 05, 2025。
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1. 富良野乾淨舒適的獨立旅居 (USD 140 起 )
若您想探索富良野,這間旅居十分適合您,因其有絕佳位置,加上入住時房東將親自迎接您,且提供 28 晚以上長期住宿,皆可讓您體驗該地區風土人情。旅居乾淨舒適、設施完善,有 Wi-Fi 網路、建築物內免費停車、按摩浴池等。住宿沒有供餐,但附近生活機能便利,您可外出用餐或用旅宿廚房自行烹調。總之,入住將會是超棒體驗!
the host was very kindthank you being such a wonderful hostmr sinichi is a a very caring host who concern about what customer needthe host is very kindthe owner was very friendly and helpful位置:
the location is pretty near central furanolocation is very goodlocation is great toogood location and good experiencethe location can easily access to convenient store衛生:
clean and modern facilitiesvery clean tidy and functionalhouse is super clean and newclean and very nice decorateplace is clean and new and hi tech查看更多評價設施:
all electronic devices such as the heater television and wi-fi router work very wellvery comfortable too aircon or heater or window depends on temp privacy and very accommodating couplegreat location our room had view of ski slopesthe room is very big new and comfortable and equipped with necessary appliancesthe room is a perfect size and space for the people
2. 富良野位置便利的豪華公寓 (USD 337 起 )
房東 Windy 來自香港,所以這間豪華公寓很適合華人團體入住(最多 6 人),您可以中文與業主溝通, Windy 的溝通也獲得 5.0 分最高等級。旅宿位於山坡,使您可盡享該地區自然風光;客房乾淨舒適,設施完善,包括提供全套烹飪用具的廚房、按摩浴缸、建築物內免費停車等。其位置更是便利,方便您前往富良野各大景點。
it was a pleasant chat with the hostshe provided us many helpful information to help us navigate the areawindy is a great host she always reply our message immediately and ask for what we needwindy was very helpful and prompt in answering my questionsthe host welcomed us in person at the house位置:
fantastic place close to the slopes our family loved staying hereawesome place location everything is good neat n cleanwe loved staying at windy's place衛生:
the apartment was very clean and spacious toothe house is new spacious and very cleanthe apartment was very comfortable with everything we needed and was extremely clean and in excellent conditionwindy’s place is very clean and strategic locationeverything is well equipped and perfectly clean查看更多評價設施:
the living room is spacious with an open kitchen you can cook and enjoy your meal comfortablyif you are travelling in furano i highly recommend you staying at windy's apartment
3. 富良野服務超讚的高級公寓 (USD 420 起 )
caretakers were attentive very helpful and fast to respond衛生:
very great place clean and tidyvery nice and cleanthis is a fantastic apartment for a family extremely clean modern and the space was well thought outthe room is clean and the location is convenient查看更多評價設施:
modern and chic place extremely comfortable
4. La Vista 富良野之丘天然溫泉飯店 (USD 166 起)
這間 4 星級飯店,不論在員工素質、舒適度、清潔度及設施等評比,均獲過往住客 9.0 分以上高評,來自台灣的旅客更對這間飯店讚賞有加。館內位置便利、客房舒適,設施更稱完善,包括餐廳、免費私人停車位、共用休息室、溫泉浴池、桑拿等。總之,是在富良野住宿優質的選擇。
La Vista Furano Hills Natural Hot Spring
地址: Asahi-Machi 47-1
距離 Farm Tomita 8.31 公里(5.2 英尺)
5. 花藤旅館酒店 (USD 204 起)
這間酒店很適合華人遊客,不僅因館內提供中文服務,更是店主用心經營,使各項評比皆獲過往住客 9.3 分以上高評,在富良野住宿選擇中堪稱傑出,來自台灣的住客更是讚賞不已!酒店客房舒適,設施完善,包括餐廳、免費私人停車位、共用休息室、露台、滑雪設備存放處等。情侶們更愛這間住宿,若您與伴侶同遊不可錯過!
Hotel Hanafuji Inn
地址: Okamachi 4-33
距離 Farm Tomita 1.89 公里(1.2 英尺)
6. 富良野自然酒店 (USD 200 起)
Furano Natulux Hotel
地址: Asahi 1-35
距離 Farm Tomita 8.44 公里(5.3 英尺)
7. Burlap Furanui 飯店 (USD 120 起)
地址: Kitanomine Cho 13-15
距離 Farm Tomita 9.89 公里(6.2 英尺)
8. 富良野溫馨可愛的小木屋 (USD 286 起 )
the host was very accommodating and gave us a lot of helpful recommendationsthe host is helpful and gave us a lot of useful recommendationsgrace's such a great host friendly and helpfulgrace is a very friendly hostcommunication with the hosts was great both before and during the trip位置:
location was super convenient 2 min drive to slopesjstyle was near the ski resort nice pizza place and near a convenient store and supermarketquiet and private location great response from hosts查看更多評價衛生:
very clean and cozy placeso nice and clean and kindlynew and very cleanthe place is new so it was very cleanimmaculately clean and nice and stylishly laid out with all the basic amenities you need
9. 富良野適合團體入住的獨棟別墅 (USD 1145 起 )
若您為團體出遊且人數在 16 人以下,定要看看這間獨棟別墅,因其空間寬敞、採光良好,備有全套廚具、餐具及生活用品等;寢具也精心挑選,冬暖夏涼、舒適溫馨。其交通、生活機能便利,鄰近北之峰滑雪場、富良野 JR 火車站,便利商店更步行可達,建築物內外皆可免費停車。總之,為團體出遊尋找旅宿,千萬不可錯過!
overall a very nice place to host a group of people or a big family位置:
it’s a wonderful place everything need and useful衛生:
the house is super clean and comfortit’s very clean and modernclean and great place which reflected in the pricehowever mendatory cleaning fee was pricey though we kept the place pretty cleanthe place was great bathrooms were clean kitchen ammanities well stocked查看更多評價設施:
good amenities in the kitchencomfortable place to stay in furanowe loved the big living room / kitchen space were we had really good time
10. 富良野位置便利的度假別墅
若您為華人團體旅行,則適合入住本間旅宿,因別墅最多可容納 8 位住客,且房東 David 通中文,更被評價為超讚房東,為您各項需求、問題提供即時協助。旅宿最大特點是位置便利,獲過往住客 100% 五星好評,鄰近斜坡(便於滑雪)、餐廳、酒吧等。但目前別墅沒有冷氣設備(有供應暖氣)和洗衣機,建議您入住前做好相關準備。
距離 Farm Tomita 9.82 公里(6.2 英尺)超讚房東
可入住人數: 8
為何筆者於標題中提及「說走就走」呢?因富良野並非冬季滑雪限定,春季就不用強調了,在夏季及秋季,您亦可於此處觀賞令人讚嘆的薰衣草花田與麥田,當然,還有該地獨特的人情味及美味料理。總之,若您想將都市的喧囂、工作的忙碌暫時拋諸腦後,不妨來趟日本北海道富良野之行吧!以上 10 家日本北海道富良野最佳住宿推薦給您。