在旅行時,除了住在飯店,住在民宿也是一個不錯的選擇。與飯店相比,民宿通常擁有更大的空間,可容納更多人,價格也更實惠。在異國氣息濃厚,觀光資源豐富的港都神戶,更是聚集了很多漂亮又有特色的民宿。這篇文章彙整了 10 間神戶最佳民宿,快把它們列入您的住宿清單吧!
在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 December 07, 2024。
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✅ 我們對所有的合作夥伴關係及贊助內容都秉持着高度透明的原則,確保所有信息都得到全面而詳細的披露。
1. 縣廳前站陽光明亮的公寓 (USD 85 起 )
裝潢乾淨簡約的公寓就位在市中心,步行即可到達地鐵站,像超市、超商甚至是海邊都能步行抵達,生活機能相當良好。房間內設備該有的都有,特別的是有可投放 Netflix 的影音設備,讓你可以在住宿時依然放鬆追劇。房東會說中、英文,只要提早跟房東說,還能為你提行李上樓及協助預約神戶牛,讓你能無憂無慮的遊神戶。
hosts are great tooalso host is very kindso good position services and hostryutaro was the most helpful hostvery friendly hosts immediate support on demand位置:
excellent apartment with a 15 minute walk to everything downtowngood location 5 to 10 minutes walk or a cheap taxi ride from the stationgreat house in an accessible locationtaro’s place is in a great location not too far from 3 different train stations shopping grocery store etcexcellent location beautifully appointed thoughtful touches衛生:
everything was super clean and comfortablethe apartment is clean comfortable and well equippeda very stylish and beautiful place with attention to cleanliness and comfortdelightful little apartment super clean with so many adorable styling toucheslovely place very clean wonderful cosy interior with wooden floor etc查看更多評價設施:
we had breakfast with fuko and a very nice cooking experiencea very comfortable place with lots of homey touches
2. 神戶一里山美景森林別墅 (USD 333 起 )
由於別墅位在山上,能俯瞰整個神戶港,百萬夜景一覽無遺。如果在海上煙火大會期間入住,還能看到璀璨的煙火秀。即使環境清幽但交通十分便利,距離車站僅 15 分鐘車程,若提前告知房東亦能親自接送。房東可用中文溝通,不用擔心語言不通。別墅能烤肉,且最高可容納 16 位成人及一隻寵物,特別適合家庭以及朋友入住。
3. 神戶市區飯店式公寓 (USD 124 起 )
atoo was the perfect hostthe hosts are very kind and friendlyatoo is polite kind helpful an have a professional attitudeamazing host who made sure we had a great stayatoo is friendly and helpful host he tried his best to facilitate our needs位置:
great that there’s a bus stop right outside straight to sannomiya stationthe apartment is quite big and the location is perfecti was especially thankful that they organised a shuttle bus for us to go to kansai intalso shin-kobe station a nice waterfall and kobe zoo can be reached withing a short walkatoo's place was the best apartment we've rented while we were in japan衛生:
the apartment was very clean like picturesthis is a clean and clean and comfortable apartment in a very convenient locationsuper nice family clean great valuethe apartment was spacious and cleanalthough the apartment was clean the bathroom and one of the bedrooms are a bit run down looking查看更多評價設施:
free wifi and air-conditionedthe apartment has a balcony with a nice view over kobe especially the night viewthe view from the apartment was also stunningthe apartment also has a very beautiful view of kobethe best aspect of the apartment is a beautiful view overlooking the port
4. 六甲山清幽森林小木屋 (USD 224 起 )
如果想被大自然環抱,吸收森林的芬多精,那麼絕對不能錯過這間小木屋。身處海拔 780 公尺,就算在夏季氣溫也十分涼爽。小木屋有獨立的露台,不但可以烤肉還能遠眺神戶港。小木屋可以容納 4 個成人,適合想在旅行中放空,並遠離都市塵囂的小家庭或小團體。
Why not relax in the cottage in the woods? The kitchen and wood stove can accommodate up to 4 people
5. 六甲山溫馨的日式宅邸 (USD 72 起 )
6. 六甲山舒適溫暖的小木屋 (USD 315 起 )
雖地處山區,但都有通往滑雪場、音樂盒博物館及有馬溫泉纜車等等著名景點的免費交通工具。民宿提供免費的火車站接駁服務,且附近還有超市,十分便利。木頭的裝潢加上一個室內柴爐舒適又溫暖。一間小木屋可以容納 12 個成人,且寵物友善,整個區域有三、四間小木屋,很適合大群的朋友與大家庭前來入住。
7. 神戶水道筋便利的三層公寓 (USD 131 起 )
步行 9 分鐘就能抵達車站,很適合喜歡在市區走走晃晃的住客。民宿位在公寓三樓,而一樓為新型態共享廚房,每天都有不同的店家營業,在住宿的同時也可以到一樓嘗鮮。民宿的周圍為商店街,房東有自製介紹周邊的觀光手冊,讓住客能體驗到最道地的文化與生活方式。
8. 神戶二宮筋乾淨現代的公寓
離 JR 三宮站步行約 7 分鐘的路程。客房放置的是上下舖,共有 10 張床墊,很適合十人左右的小團體入住。民宿設備應有盡有,且位處市中心,生活機能相當良好,步行 2-3 鐘就有便利商店及超市,無論是自己買菜回來煮,或是外食都相當方便。
距離 Kobe Ōji Zoo 1.98 公里(1.3 英尺)可入住人數: 16
the host was helpful and quick to respondryo was a great hostryo is so friendly she always replied message immediatelyryo was a great host the location was perfect we are looking forward to our next tripthe washing machine and kitchen were really helpful if you want to stay in long time位置:
good location very near train stationgreat location in kobe easy walk to many locationsthe location was absolutely perfect close to whatever you wanted in central kobegreat place and good locationgreat space and great location查看更多評價衛生:
the house was clean and newly renovatedbesides the house is very clean and comfortableit was a clean and much better than we expectedthe house was new and cleanthe house is very nice very clean and the space is very well used
9. 三宮市中心明亮溫馨的公寓 (USD 346 起 )
距離 JR 三宮站只要步行 3 鐘的距離,對於扛著行李的自由客來說是一大福音。簡約並帶有點鄉村風的設計,讓人感到溫馨。就算地處寸土寸金的市中心,還是有附設大陽台,整體房間能容納 5-6 人。若擔心在市區睡眠品質會被外面的聲音干擾,房東還貼心的準備耳塞,讓你能維持好眠。
10. 神戶旭通小巧乾淨的公寓 (USD 111 起 )
雖然空間不大,但麻雀雖小五臟俱全,從廚房設備到洗漱用品,甚至是洗衣機、桌遊應有盡有。由於為單間公寓,故不用擔心碰到鄰居的問題。步行即能抵達 JR 車站,公寓周邊有很多咖啡廳,很適合想要體驗日本咖啡廳風情的旅客。
the host is very kind and responds quicklynana is a great hostthey definitely went above and beyond their duties as hostshost is very nice and easily reachable by textnana is a such a gracious host and responded to messages really quickly位置:
the location is ideal just a short walk from sannomiyathe location is very niceperfect quiet little flat located very close to the heart of kobegreat little place at a walking distance to the city center (15-20 min)apartment is really nice and comfortable locate in a convenient location with plenty options of restaurants and convenient stores衛生:
anna’s house is clean nice and convenientvery cozy clean and convenient to staythe room was awesome it's extremely sparkly cleannana's place is clean comfortable tidy and thoughtfully set upeverything was wonderful - the apartment was clean and very cute and had everything i could need查看更多評價設施:
the room was super clean and had all the amenities you could ask forneedful amenities and very clean roomthe light is lovely the beds are super comfortable and check-in was a breezethe room was very comfortable to stay