日本長野縣 10 家最佳民宿推薦

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說到長野,大家可能不太熟悉,但只要一提到輕井澤,大家腦海中一定會浮現涼爽消暑的瀑布或充滿日式古風的老街,沒錯!長野縣就是輕井澤的所在地,無論是自然休憩、人文歷史,或是想要逛街逛到腿軟,長野縣應有盡有,不只輕井澤,長野等著遊客去踏足的地方數不勝數,小編這次就替大家整理了 10 家長野縣的最佳民宿,讓小編帶大家一起去遊歷長野!

在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 December 17, 2024。

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1. 須坂市日式懷舊青年旅舍 (USD 31 起 )

這間旅舍的歷史長達 100 多年,近期才翻新,但保留了許多江戶和明治時代的傳統家具,走進旅舍中能體會到滿滿的歷史氣息,地板鋪設榻榻米,連睡覺都是使用傳統的蒲團牀,非常適合背包客前來居住,能夠在溫馨暖和的公共空間中與來自世界各地的旅客一起聊天談地,聊聊日本的和風旅遊。

Suzaka city, Suzaka,长野县,日本
224 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
小屋中的合住房間 3 張床 4 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

marina and her staff made us feel like we were at home
marina is a great host
marina-san is the greatest host imaginable and such good company
in addition information and help to your questions is provided by the staff
the hosts were all very friendly and helpful
great cozy vibe nice location and not too far from the station
we greatly appreciated lifts from marina and yuri to the onsens and the train station
i think you will find this place interesting
her town is quaint and easy to walk around
i love this place for its quaintness and cute traditional home
clean and beautiful place
the hotel was clean and warm just as advertised
very clean comfortable bed and hosts very friendly
the guesthouse is as described clean comfortable and spacious
the facilities are clean and the house is well stocked
it's a very beautiful and comfortable place to stay with all of the amenities
we were lucky enough because we stayed in a private room as the guesthouse was not so crowded
the kitchen has everything you need fridge is provided and washing machine and dryer are working perfectly
the hot water bottle was nice but welcome surprise when i got into my japanese bed (v

2. 長野市乾淨溫馨單層老屋 (USD 133 起 )


373 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 1 張床 8 位 3 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 8

house owner is very hospitality and kindness
host was very thoughtful
the host replied quickly and very helpful
sachiko has been a wonderful host
be sure to follow the directions from the host to find the house
great place close to train station
it is conveniently located in easy walking distance to the station
fantastic house and great location 5 mins walk from nagano station
very clear instructions for finding the location from the station
great location just a short walk from the train station
everything was clean and well accommodated
it's comfortable and clean
you can easily find it it’s clean and you have everything you need
the house is very well organised and clean
thank you sachiko is very hospitable they arranged a lot of snacks for usthe room is very clean and classical
the beddings are very comfortable with electric blankets
ample space upstairs for sleeping a family - a welcome change from the small rooms at hotels
we used the heater below the dinner table it was awesome
it is a comfortable japanese style house with sufficient gas heaters quick hot water and a neat kitchen
the house is very comfortable and you will live in an authentic japanese home

3. 長野市個性古董風青年旅舍


114 住客評語   無線網絡 有
Shared room in home 8 張床 8 位 1 間臥室 3 間衛浴

可入住人數: 8

the staff very friendly
staff is friendly and helpful
the staff was very helpfull and friendly
kazayuki is kind and upbeat
the owner is an amazing character
the location ia very good
convenient location - easily accessible from station (on foot tube bus)
location was great in between the train station and the temple
it's a perfect location
easily walkable from the main station and right on the way to naganos main attraction kenkouji
it's small bed but it's clean and convenient
the hostel was very clean and perfect location
clean close to transport
everything was clean and i liked the location
the place is very clean and in a great location
but when i got inside the sleeping box it was totally comfortable und very thoughtfully designed
plug sockets shelving and a folding table --- perfect for late night/early morning work
there are a bedroom living room and kitchen so perfect
the common area on the first floor is nice with a pool table and other features

4. 巴里島異國風情復古小屋 (USD 236 起 )


73 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 4 張床 4 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

overall very nice place if you plan to stay in that part of nagano

5. 長野市斯堪地那維亞異國木屋 (USD 91 起 )

充滿著異國風的木屋就位在長野市安靜的住宅區中,一進門滿滿的斯堪地那維亞風讓人覺得很雅緻,整個木屋都是採用木質的裝潢,實木的地板踩著相當有踏實感。 到外面也能享受迷你花園的靜謐感,待久了還能夠借用自行車到外頭,雖然離景點有些距離,但能在日本的街道上騎著自行車漫遊也是種快樂。

231 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 3 張床 4 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

they are warm and nice hosts
the hosts are amazing and very responsive
toshi and hiromi are nice host we appreciate their kindness and passion for tourists
they are very thoughtful and accommodating hosts able to provide great local insights
helpful to the extend like our own family
second the location is ideal
it is close to a beautiful temple and gardens and an easy walk back to train station
walking distance to zenkoji and nice dinner options
it was located close to zenkoji temple which was fantastic
we went to snow monkey park during our stay and it was easy to access using train and bus
it is very clean and comfortable
fantastic house and extremely clean
the house is very clean and tidy
the entire house was clean and warm
we felt very welcomed into their beautiful and spotless home
it was a really spacious place with excellent amenities and comfortable rooms
the beds were nice to sleep in the wifi is fast and the hosts are wonderful
the amenities make it very comfortable yet the home is also eco-friendly
the house is beautiful very cozy convenient and efficient (full solar energy)
the beds were very comfortable

6. 長野市傳統木質青年旅舍 (USD 24 起 )

如果你想去善光寺旅遊,那麼附近的這間青年旅舍便是很好的選擇,只需步行一分鐘就能抵達善光寺,周遭的旅遊能量相當足夠,想逛街、吃東西都非常方便。 而旅舍內的裝潢則是傳統的木造建築,坐在滿滿古代和風感的清酒吧,與其他房客一起交流,或是和英文流利的房東詢問旅遊資訊,也都很快樂悠閒。

63 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
青旅內的合住房間 6 張床 4 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

the hosts are lovely and it is great value for money
nao is an excellent host who really helped me with my travel plans
the hostel owner was very helpful and nice as well
the host is a very pleasant person and i really enjoyed chatting with him as well
the staff were friendly and helpful and the rooms clean
so close to the temple and walking distance to food and the train station great location
amazing location and really cosy comfortable vibe
lovely hostel great location near the magnificent zenkouji temple
this airbnb is very good located the place is nice
nao is adorable and the location is great 5 minutes from zenkou-ji (by walk)
very clean and quite and cozy place
the place was very clean and well organized
nao’s place was comfortable and clean
clean house worm people nice place to stay
overall a nice cosy hostel clean and with great beds
beds were very comfy and the place was peaceful
the bed is your typical nice hostel dorm room beds

7. 長野市日式溫馨傳統獨棟住宅 (USD 32 起 )

這間位於稍微郊區的住宅有著鄉下的農村感,幾乎都是木造的家具與建材,走進門後能夠看見大廳中傳統的圍爐裏,能夠在這裡像古代的日本人一樣生火,吃上暖暖的飯菜。 住宅中還有著茶室,可以在這裡體驗日本人傳統的茶道,再往裡走還能在木製陽台上遠眺風景,到後院草皮上盡情嬉鬧玩耍,周遭沒有什麼人,也能安靜地享受愜意的時光。

146 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
民居裡的房間 2 張床 2 位 2 間臥室 2 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

very nice host and place
the host is very friendly
takafumi is a amazing host
takafumi was the perfect gentleman host
takafumi is a fantastic host
the location of the house is on the countryside amidst apple orchards and fields so it is peaceful
it also faces nagano olympic park in a distance which is nicely lit up at night
takafumi would pick you up from the station and lend you a cool electro bike if you wanted
and it's really fun and there's onsen from taka house (5minute walk)
i will definitely look for this place again when i'm back in nagano
the house is very clean and beautiful
everything was incredibly clean
the house is very clean
the room and common areas were lovely and clean
it was very beautiful with the snow right outside our traditional japanese room with mountain views over an orchid
the rooms were very spacious and comfortable
a very comfortable bedroom nice bathrooms and kitchen

8. 長野市小巧便利單間公寓 (USD 52 起 )

有時搭大眾運輸工具旅遊比自駕來得舒適許多,這時就需要住在一個交通方便的地方才好四處旅遊,這間公寓位在交通要道上,出門就可以坐上公車到處走,如果想要自駕的話也能夠停泊在公寓的免費停車位,附近機能也很齊全,想要什麼只要步行都能購買到。 在公寓裡雖然空間不大,但用具齊全,一打開窗簾就能看到城市美景,很適合單人或雙人旅行前來居住。

120 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套出租房源 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

glendy is an amazing host
glendy is an amazing host
glendy is an amazing host
glendy is a really thoughtful host and very considerate in the details
glendy was a wonderful host who made sure we had everything we needed for an enjoyable stay
it is conveniently located and with easy access by bus
glendy's apartment is located in a great location close to shops restaurants and the station
the location was great for the nagano marathon
absolutely wonderful place and location close to zenkoji temple and multiple supermarkets
also great location with convenience store/laundromat/supermarket close by
nice clean and quiet apartment
lovely clean and comfortable apartment
nice and clean living space
very cosy and clean apartment
glendy's place was clean and comfortable
bathroom is indeed tiny but perfectly functional you can even sit down and take a bath
the bed was comfortable and large there is a nice view warmly decorated and everything was clean
the apartment was very clean with a nice view from the 3rd floor
lovely apartment the view while it was snowing was great
we had a really wonderful stay at glendys apartment

9. 長野市典雅傳統木造住宅 (USD 116 起 )


282 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套民居 1 張床 5 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 5

highly recommend yoshinao as a host and this beautiful home
yoshinao was very helpful throughout our stay
yoshinao is attentive and honest
great host great hospitality and great location
really great place with a fantastic host
great location large space and close to parking
great central location too
wonderful place close to everything
nagano is a beautiful place
great location and a really funky apartment
space was clean and very specious
very clean and well-stocked
the place is clean and spacious
fantastic house the whole place is very clean with stylish touches while still keeping the original charm
yoshinao’s place is cozy clean and comfortable
bedding is comfortable on tatami mats
the house itself was lovely and the tatami mats were very comfortable to sleep on
it had great character and charm and has several added updates to make it very comfortable
in addition to all that you get all the modern conveniences washer-dryer great little kitchen and nice bathroom
the tatami carpeted bed areas were beautiful

10. 長野市靜謐溫馨套房 (USD 33 起 )


152 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
民居裡的房間 2 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 0 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

yoichi is a great host and will take care of his guests
yoichi is a superb host with an amazing home that you will feel at home at immediately
great host was very helpful in giving us directions to the apartment
yoichi was a great host
yoichi was the best host i've ever encountered throughout my many airbnb experiences
great place to stay near zenkoji temple
short walk to the temple and easily accessible by bus from nagano station
such an amazing location and a very cool building with beautiful and upscale lodging
good location and nice place to stay with some free food
amazing amazing place however it is a bit far from the city centre
truly nice and clean place
the place was clean and had everything we needed
everything was really clean and i felt at home
good place clean with a cool common space
the spacious room was very clean so were the shared bathroom and kitchen
ac was nice and cold and kitchen was well stocked
very cosy house; wonderful living space plenty of amenities very comfortable beds
the room has air conditioning which is great especially if you travel in july or august
the living room area was a great place to connect with fellow travelers
in the living room we watched netflix and played nintendo wii



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