位於巴黎南郊的亞捷(Arcueil)小鎮距離市中心僅 10 公里,是遊客探索巴黎周邊的理想目的地。這裡有許多公園,如拉塞佩爾公園、亞捷滑板公園和保羅·瓦揚·庫蒂里耶公園,景色優美。街頭藝術和壁畫隨處可見,其中最著名的是描繪女飛行員阿德里安娜·博蘭的壁畫。除了壁畫,您還可以參觀時間旅行者博物館和亞捷激光世界,探索歷史和科技。如果您計劃參觀亞捷,別忘了收藏這份亞捷的 Airbnb 民宿清單,享受美好的住宿體驗!
在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 November 21, 2024。
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1. 鄰近巴黎的家庭度假屋 (USD 151 起 )
距離巴黎市中心僅 5 分鐘車程的寬敞房屋,可容納最多 7 人入住。明亮的花園、設備齊全的廚房和一間浴室,讓您擁有舒適的入住體驗。房屋內設有 2 間兒童房,並提供豐富的書籍、玩具和遊戲,讓小朋友們盡情玩樂。前往巴黎市中心,您可以搭乘短途巴士或地鐵,輕鬆方便。此外,您還可以驅車 15 分鐘前往景色宜人的索鎮公園 (Parc de Sceaux) 享受悠閒時光。
2. 鄰近黑奶牛購物中心的單間公寓 (USD 79 起 )
這間溫馨的單間公寓設有一間臥室和一間浴室,最多可容納 2 位客人入住。公寓距離拉普拉斯火車站 (Laplace train station) 僅 5 分鐘路程,方便您輕鬆前往巴黎其他地區。此外,公寓鄰近當費爾-羅什羅廣場 (Place Denfert-Rochereau) 和黑奶牛購物中心 (La Vache Noire),步行不到 10 分鐘即可抵達。
3. 擁有花園美景的舒適公寓 (USD 69 起 )
入住這間舒適的公寓,體驗亞捷迷人的小鎮風情。公寓配備雙人床和衛浴,並設有後院和免費路邊停車位。公寓靠近地鐵站,周邊亦有不少餐飲選擇。步行 10 分鐘左右,即可抵达以美味法式長棍麵包聞名的「Au bon pain d’arcueil」麵包店,以及提供牛排和其他餐飲的「Au Bureau Arcueil」餐廳。此外,您還可以搭乘巴士前往 Okabe 購物中心,或到周邊的電影院看電影。
she is a perfect hostgreat hospitality and helpful advisethe host provided a lot of helpful info and was very helpful with our staylovely stay with a very helpful hostthis was a great place and great host位置:
great location - close to rer stationlocation is good in a residential area and close to rer stationbeautiful apartment close to the metro (rer) station with a great hostthe proximity of the rer b station is a huge plus if you're planning to explore parisgreat quiet place just a few minutes walk from the train station衛生:
great spot very clean and comfortablethe place was very clean comfortable and modernanne's place was great very clean modern and well furnishedanne is very helpful and welcoming it’s very clean and the flat is lovelyvery clean newly furnished and quiet studio apartment only 15 minutes from central paris on the rer train查看更多評價設施:
quick ride in the train to paris attractions thankful for working wifi toogreat space great bed great shower helpful appliances and tips
4. 鄰近拉普拉斯車站的石砌房屋 (USD 137 起 )
這座美麗的石砌房屋最多可容納 7 位房客,配有 5 張床和 2 間衛浴,非常適合家庭或朋友一起旅行。寬敞的起居區、設備齊全的明亮廚房和可容納 4 人的用餐區,為您提供舒適的入住體驗。房屋靠近地鐵站,方便您探索周邊景點。此外,步行不到 10 分鐘即可抵達供應美味糕點的歐倍喜麵包店,以及供應牛排的河馬餐廳,滿足您的用餐需求。
kent was very responsive to questions and provided some restaurant suggestionskent is a great host i would recommend everyone to stay here when in parisit is nicely decorated and offers a friendly garden查看更多評價位置:
great location for exploring parisgreat house great location kent has been fully available for any purpose/question
5. 附私人露台的單間公寓 (USD 88 起 )
這間經濟實惠的出租公寓配備一間雙人臥室和一間衛浴,最多可容納 3 位房客入住。公寓內設有廚房,私人花園更備有烤肉架,讓您享受悠閒的戶外用餐時光。公寓距離巴黎市中心僅 15 分鐘路程,交通便利,鄰近地鐵站和高速公路,只需 5 分鐘即可抵達車站或高速公路入口。對於注重旅遊支出、希望探索法國各地文化的旅客而言,這間公寓是不二之選。
the hosts were very helpful and kindthanks for your helpful hospitalityjose is a good hostwonderful host from the frankthe host was very polite and respectful and his mother is very attentive and polite位置:
amazing place to stay very private and not far from the subways stationanother great plus: there is parking on the streetplace was nice but definitely rustic with chickens but a great location to rail station and we enjoyed itgreat place for amazing value would recommend to anyone looking to stay near parisreally nice quiet place in the city easy to access衛生:
everything was clean and tidyclean airbnb and an overall pleasant staysuper clean house with freshly washed linensthe house was quite cleancosy clean and comfortable and would recommend if you're looking to visit paris查看更多評價設施:
we had a great stay at this apartment
6. 鄰近考試中心的舒適單間公寓 (USD 74 起 )
這間安靜的單間公寓非常適合情侶、學生和商務旅客入住,尤其適合參加法國考試中心 (Maison des Examens) 考試的人士。公寓最多可容納 2 位房客,配備雙人床和舒適的淋浴間,提供您所需的基本設施。公寓鄰近交通樞紐,包括拉普拉斯站 (Laplace) 和亞捷-卡尚站 (Arcueil-Cachan),距離市中心僅 400 米,周邊設有多家商店、超市和餐飲店,生活機能完善。
入住上述度假屋,盡情探索亞捷的精彩之處!這些精心挑選的房源鄰近交通樞紐、餐廳、商店和各種便利設施,讓您的旅程更加輕鬆便利。您還可以輕鬆前往周邊城镇,包括巴黎,開啟更豐富的探索之旅。立即預訂您的亞捷 Airbnb 民宿,打造難忘的回憶吧!