如果你在計劃家庭旅遊或員工出遊,最需要的當然是超大的空間,如果空間內還有私人泳池那就太棒了。別擔心,Trip101 都幫你找好了。今天介紹的房源,每間都附有獨立的私人泳池,舉辦時尚派對或水上泳池活動,統統不是問題。以下為你介紹馬來西亞波德申 9 大最佳私人泳池度假村,快收藏到口袋清單吧!
We handpicked these listings carefully, considering (wherever possible) recent guest reviews, location, accommodation type, prices, availability of dates, decor, and access to private pool. The image galleries get refreshed with the latest updates regularly. They were last updated on November 21, 2024.
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1. 麗昇海上泳池別墅 (USD 137 起)
想要享受海景和泳池,又不想在公共池人擠人嗎?麗昇海上泳池別墅提供以私人泳池為主的特色別墅,每種房型都能擁有獨立的私人泳池。除此之外有花園、海景、villa 等附加設施,讓你在飯店內盡情享受屬於自己的時光。 既可留在房內休息,也可使用度假村內的休閒設施,甚至與家人體驗大型棋盤賽的樂趣,動靜皆宜的度假旅店絕對不能錯過。
2. 仙境私人泳池别墅酒店 (USD 122 起)
飯店整體裝潢走平實的木質簡約風,特別適合給想要放鬆休憩的家庭入住,另外距離最近的吉隆坡國際機場相當接近,不需要耗費太多的時間即可到達,從吉隆坡機場入境的旅客,這是極佳的選擇! 除了誘人的地理位置之外,如果你喜歡戶外活動,仙境私人泳池别墅酒店離各大熱門景點及釣魚場所也不遠,讓你省下通車的時間,就可以更盡情地玩了。
Wonderland Private Pool Villas at Port Dickson
地址: Grand Lexis Port Dickson, 71000, Jalan Seremban
3. 塔斯克別墅國際度假村 (USD 132 起)
正在找適合度蜜月的豪華 villa 嗎?塔斯克別墅國際度假村提供超多豪華房型,不管你想要私人泳池,還是按摩浴缸,這裡都有能滿足你需求的房型。另外,這裡也特別提供蜜月套房的選擇,讓入住的旅客們享受最奢華難忘的旅程! 度假村也提供各類的桑拿及按摩服務,另外距離 Alive 3D Art Gallery 藝術畫廊也只要一公里的距離,也很適合前往參觀喔。
Tasik Villa International Resort
地址: Jalan Tasik Villa, Pusat Pelancongan Antarabangsa Kota Lukut, Port Dickson
4. 波德申太平洋麗晶海灘度假村 (USD 135 起)
Pacific Regency Beach Resort, Port Dickson
地址: Batu 7 1/2 Jalan Pantai, Teluk Kemang
5. 拉曼別墅 (USD 557 起)
這裡是最適合求婚辦派對的場地!佔地 120 坪的獨立 villa 有絕佳的地理位置和絕美海景,各空間的設計都配合附近的自然地景,是對生態環境相當友善的住宿。 這裡的內裝是度假感的峇里島風格,三間臥房的設計最多能夠容納約 12 位旅客,想要享受寧靜又私人的假期、遠離塵囂嗎?這裡非常適合!
Laman Villa Port Dickson
地址: 7957 Pasir Panjang Kampung Sungai Sekawang
6. 步行可達迪克森港的度假別墅 (USD 336 起 )
從這裡出發,步行就可到達著名的迪克港市中心,距離都市不遠又能保有安靜的度假品質,而峇里島風格的裝潢更是充滿著度假氣氛。 雙臥房的設計適合大家庭一同入住,既能共享高級的 villa 設施,又不會打擾彼此休息,喜歡跟親朋好友聚在一起,在港邊的度假小屋享受愜意假期嗎?這個房源非常值得注意。
{"Host":[["the host was very responsive and helpful",1.999996304512024],["the host is very responsive and accommodative on our request",1.999990701675415],["jeff is a great host",1.9999721050262451],["the host was prompt and the caretaker sue was great in attending to our questions",1.9999349117279053],["jeff is a great host and the place is large and suitable for large family gathering",1.9988054037094116],["jeff's place is super amazing he is a great host very helpful and tolerant with our requests",1.99830961227417],["good coordination and good host making sure everything is arranged well for us",1.9980157613754272],["our host was very responsive in the communication",1.996834456920624],["jeff was very helpful and arranged everything accordingly",1.7670859694480896]],"Location":[["great location easy access to major attractions while avoiding the crowd",1.9999971389770508],["the location is very good nearby to pd waterfront where there are starbucks mcdonalds food trucks etc",1.9970840811729431],["great location too our family had the best time and we recommend this place to everyone",1.9664605855941772],["the place is amazing isolated so you have your own privacy",1.9467958211898804],["we had an enjoyable stay at jeff’s place it is quite strategically located",1.8792890906333923],["great place for a family holiday",1.5047665238380432]],"Cleanliness":[["super clean and comfortable",2.0],["very clean and nice",1.9999996423721311],["the cleanliness level is awesome",1.9999996423721311],["it was clean and tidy",1.9999985694885256],["house is very clean and spacious",1.9999972581863403],["amazing place clean and well maintained",1.999989628791809],["first the house is very clean and spacious",1.9998676776885984],["the house is sparkling clean",1.9972947239875791],["the pool is a nice size and also clean",1.9942243695259096],["the house is very spacious clean comfortable and well equiped as per picture",1.9902691841125488],["near beach and clean swimming pool",1.9716397523880005],["the bbq pit is clean and they even gave us a bag of charcoal",1.9690456986427307],["clean well maintained and spacious enough to accommodate 12 pax",1.9160661101341248],["the entire house is clean tidy well maintained and provided with standard necessities",1.8374562859535215],["nice place beach nearby and clean no internet backup",1.7228005528450012],["spacious and quiet we especially love the swimming pool and bbq area",1.472033679485321]],"reviews_details":{"review_summary":[{"label":"Accuracy","localized_rating":"4.63"},{"label":"Communication","localized_rating":"4.65"},{"label":"Cleanliness","localized_rating":"4.65"},{"label":"Location","localized_rating":"4.68"},{"label":"Check-in","localized_rating":"4.72"},{"label":"Value","localized_rating":"4.47"}]},"Amenities \u0026 Room":[["i would suggest the owner to install ventilation fan at kitchen",1.8474448323249817],["it was a lovely house with amazing pool",1.465037763118744],["the pool is big very enjoyable for big families",1.4284047484397888]]}
7. 鄰近各大波德申旅遊景點的家庭 villa (USD 138 起 )
如果你規劃的旅程大多集中在波德申一帶,那一定要看看這家房源。它不僅鄰近波德申各大熱門旅遊地點,讓你省下交通時間;同時 villa 裡就有自己的私人泳池,讓大人小孩都可以盡情暢玩! 此裡甚至提供小孩最愛的鞦韆設施,聽完以上的介紹,是不是非常心動,想帶著小孩一起入住,創造難忘的回憶呢!
owner are kindgreat host awesome place very chilled hostthe host is friendly and approacheable and fast responseowner is very kind and friendlygood hospitality n owner very attentive toward our needs位置:
the location also good and easy to finda very wonderful place located about 5-10 minutes away from the beachnearby to all attraction places in port dicksonthe house location is strategic quiet safe and easy to find there is small market nearbygreat place to stay for short gateway衛生:
clean room and good communication with ushouse very clean and attractivethe house is clean and spaciousit is spacious and clean toothe place was nice and clean查看更多評價設施:
a great place to chill and gathering with frens the facility is completea great place to chill and gathering with friend and the facilities is completethe swimming pool is biger fit for my big familya nice place for gathering as is surrounding really quiet and comfortable
8. 波德申美人魚獨棟 villa (USD 231 起 )
這是大型團體出遊不可錯過的房源!為了方便自駕的旅客,這裡還提供私人家位,讓各位不同擔心車輛停放的問題。 與今天介紹的其他 villa 相比,此房源適合喜歡現代海洋設計的旅客,不僅到處有美人魚相關的壁畫可以觀賞,還附有私人泳池可以自由使用,無論白天或晚上都可以享受海洋風的度假氛圍!
the host is so friendly & ever ready to assisthost is really helpful and consideratethey even had a helper over there who was very helpful & informative位置:
great environment with strategic locationto go to shops to buy things/food easyis very nice place for family definitely will come back againgreat place to go with your familysuch a nice and cozy place to bring family and kids衛生:
love the ambiance so much everything is clean and well maintainedprivate pool is here very clean and very recommendedthe place is so cosy & clean查看更多評價設施:
every room provided with (website hidden by airbnb) love the swimming pool area
9. 波德申近海灘的時尚獨棟飯店 (USD 224 起 )
在找可以容納 20 人以上的團體住宿嗎?這房源配有適合容納 22 位旅客的寬敞空間,此外還靠近海灘、超市、迷你的傳統市場和各國料理,這樣的生活機能完全是滿分。不管你想要購買食材回住處,和親朋好友同享下廚的樂趣;還是隨時變化飲食口味,盡享其他美食,這裡都能輕易滿足你的需求!想要享受時尚又現代的度假旅程,就預約這個房源吧。
想要和親朋好友起享受海洋度假的歡樂氛圍嗎?尋找房源的時候,喜歡的飯店總是沒有提供多人入住的房型? 以上介紹馬來西亞波德申 9 大最佳私人泳池度假村,房源內都設置了私人泳池,讓你與好友或伴侶在晚間享受美好夜景時不必被打擾。找到想要下訂的房源了嗎?馬上出發到馬來西亞吧!