菲律賓宿霧市 8 家豪華度假別墅推薦 - 2024 最新版

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想要體驗一個不一樣的海島之旅嗎? 那就來宿霧吧!宿霧是菲律賓的第二大城市,也是一個充滿魅力和活力的旅遊勝地。您可以在宿霧欣賞歷史古蹟,品嘗當地美食,輕鬆享受各種水上活動,欣賞五彩繽紛的珊瑚礁和海洋生物。更可以用合理的價格入住豪華舒適的度假別墅,趕緊往下看菲律賓宿霧市 8 家豪華度假別墅推薦吧!

We handpicked these listings carefully, considering (wherever possible) host status, recent guest reviews, location, accommodation type, prices, availability of dates, decor, and access to luxury services and amenities. The image galleries get refreshed with the latest updates regularly. They were last updated on November 21, 2024.

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From transportation tips to medical essentials and everything in between, the Cebu Island local guides share all the must-know information to help you plan your trip.

1. 清幽僻靜的豪華獨棟度假民宿 (USD 567 起 )

這間別墅民宿坐落在臨海的山丘上,可以欣賞到宿霧島特殊的雨林與俯瞰太平洋美景。歐洲莊園風情設計的別墅,擁有 4 間雙人房,以及設備齊全的廚房,相當適合團體旅客。此外,也擁有許多撞球桌與游泳池等娛樂設施,可以讓您在下禢期間放鬆身心。 民宿提供許多貼心服務,可安排美味的外燴佳餚,或是豪華保母車往返機場接送,也可以用合宜的價格遊覽島上的各個景點。

Cebu City, Central Visayas, Philippines
距離 Magellan's Cross 6.67 公里(4.2 英尺)
度假別墅 9 位 4 間臥室 4 間衛浴


2. 麥丹島海灘獨棟度假別墅 (USD 560 起 )

這間獨棟度假別墅位於宿霧麥丹島的海岸邊,相當適合與親友在此共度悠閒假期。這間裝潢現代簡約的雙層別墅可容納 10 人入住,您也可以在設備齊全的廚房裡展現廚藝,或是在私人泳池休憩。 而最重要的是,這間別墅擁有湛藍的海洋景觀,您也可以預訂各種跳島遊、水上活動,就近體驗各種海上冒險。

Lapu-Lapu City, Central Visayas, Philippines
距離 Magellan's Cross 10.71 公里(6.7 英尺)
度假別墅 10 位 4 間臥室 5 間衛浴

hosts wife paid us a visit the second day making sure everything is fine
hosts wife paid us a visit the second day making sure everything is fine
we are all blown away how beautiful the place is
we are all blown away how beautiful the place is

3. 宿霧布賽花園的法式山莊 (USD 458 起 )

這間獨棟法式山莊讓您可以在自然山林中放鬆身心,與親友共享美好時光。山莊由法國設計師精心打造,採用當地的珍貴材料,展現了法國南部的風情。別墅擁有 2 間景觀套房,並有寬敞的起居空間以及設備齊全的廚房,方便您張羅日常起居。 無邊際泳池讓您可以欣賞布塞花園和麥克坦海峽的美景,感受大自然的魅力,這間獨棟別墅就是您在菲律賓的家。

宿务城,中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 9.62 公里(6.0 英尺)
72 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 6 張床 16 位 6 間臥室 6 間衛浴

可入住人數: 16

her staff were a great help around the house
caretaker was very kind too
very nice the host was excellent
host was accommodating and made sure our group of 22pax had a great time
the staff really made us comfortable and made sure all our needs were met
a good place if you want to get away from the bustling city for a while
nice for a family and close friends gathering one of the best in cebu
this was great for peace and quiet but prepare for mosquitos
a great place to stay to get a little outside the city
perfect place to relax with the family
amazing house amazing view very clean and the staff are very accomodating
the place is beautiful with big spacious rooms
please note there are also a total of three wifi security cameras in the home
the view is pretty nice and the included breakfast is quite appreciated
complete amenities infinity pool a huge space every floor and a responsive host
take a good look at the toilets

4. 與自然和諧共生的私人海灘別墅 (USD 688 起 )

如果您想要在一個與自然和諧共生的環境中,放鬆身心,享受寧靜的時光,那麼千萬不能錯過這間私人海灘別墅。這間別墅與自然海灘完美融合,運用自然素材的裝潢巧思,並擁有開放式的起居空間與室外休憩空間。 您還可以在私人海灘上享受陽光、沙灘和海水,或是使用橡皮艇、槳板等的水上設施,讓您可以與親友創造難忘的回憶。

San Remigio,中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 81.75 公里(50.8 英尺)
8 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 8 張床 12 位 5 間臥室 5 間衛浴

可入住人數: 12

joy and to your staff
the on-site staff was responsive and helpful
highly recommended if you want a private vacation with close family and friends
it’s clean have a “huge space” i love the kitchen and the staff
we enjoyed every single day enjoying nature and the facilities of the property

Cebu Island Tour Guide

Alp Asa

Alp Asa

I was a former concierge staff of one of the prestigious hotels in Cebu. I had a training in Tour Guiding from the DOT (Department of Tourism). With my experience for over 10 years in hospitality industry and with the training I had from DOT. Hence, gives me the passion to show my city, neighboring islands and the cultures to my visitors. This is to ensure them for a Memorable, Priceless visit ... Read more

5. 鄰近海灘的現代簡約獨棟泳池別墅 (USD 600 起 )

這間獨棟別墅距離傑派克島度假村約 15 分鐘車程,亦鄰近海灘和大型商場。別墅採現代簡約的裝潢,遼闊的空間可容納多人入住,您可以在此享受私人泳池、撞球桌、卡拉 OK 房和桑拿房等休憩娛樂設施。 此外,這裡還有一個大花園,適合舉辦各種活動和派對,相當適合與親朋好友一同在此享受奢華而悠閒的時光。

拉普拉普市(Lapu-Lapu City),中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 9.15 公里(5.7 英尺)
25 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 11 張床 14 位 7 間臥室 7 間衛浴

可入住人數: 14

the service and staff are also very helpful
the host and the assistant entertained us very well
very friendly people very pretty poolvilla
maids were really helpful and nice
would absolutely recommend this place
facilities clean and includes a massage room
really nice place has nice and clean rooms

6. 山上摩登奢華的泳池別墅


宿务城,中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 2.97 公里(1.9 英尺)
39 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 12 張床 14 位 7 間臥室 7 間衛浴

可入住人數: 14

she was to communicate with and her staff were of great help too
overall our family had a great time and appreciate the hospitality from the host and staff
the caretaker and driver provided by chad were very attentive and we appreciate them too
chad was really a super host as she was very responsive and helpful
) we had staff stationed during our stay and they were lovely and available to assist us if needed
location is also quiet peaceful and excellent view of the city & sea
if any of our friends visited cebu i would highly recommend this place
the house was really clean and tidy when i arrived
spacious & comfortable in quiet neighborhood
the infinity pool has an amazing view of the city and the ocean
chiradee has a beautiful home with plenty of rooms

7. 無邊際泳池的奢華現代別墅 (USD 604 起 )

這座奢華現代別墅位於宿霧市巴塞區域,周圍環境寧靜美麗,可欣賞到宿霧獨特的海景和城市景觀。別墅有 4 間設計精美的臥室,您可以在無邊泳池中暢遊,或在露臺上享受雞尾酒、隨著音樂舞動。別墅有工作人員提供日常起居服務。 別墅距離宿霧市當地的知名餐廳與酒吧只有 10 分鐘車程,民宿可協助安排各種接送服務,相當適合想探索宿霧夜生活的旅客。

宿务城,中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 8.19 公里(5.1 英尺)
218 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 4 張床 8 位 4 間臥室 7 間衛浴

可入住人數: 8

exceptional staff that provided great service
the staff were very friendly and attentive
great staff too
staff were friendly and accommodating
the staff did our laundry daily which we appreciated especially after traveling weeks prior to arrival
the location is good and safe
the design furnishing and location of the villa were very impressive almost inspirational actually
a great place to unwind
vibe of the place is very calming
they kept clean rooms everyday and everything foods were so good and delicious
even better than pictured home was clean well maintained and modern
all the items here are also good sense and kept clean
rooms were very clean views great showers lovely
outstanding hospitality sparkling clean best view in town i would highly reccomend this place
the villa is amazing with a very nice view and an infinite pool
the view from the villa was very beautiful and rooms were also great
luxury villa busay was out of this world and just breathtaking- the view the infinity pool the overall atmosphere
the staff helped set up a very cool wedding dinner with fireworks table settings flowers balloons
the villa is spacious and huge and the infinite pool is impressive

8. 坐擁天然海灘的熱帶風情別墅 (USD 491 起 )

這間坐落在就位於隆達海灘的別墅,充滿熱帶島嶼風情,並擁有精心維護與設計的游泳池與花園。別墅格局開闊寬敞,可容納 10 人入住,並擁有設備齊全的廚房與採光良好的舒適房間,無邊際泳池更能飽覽蔚藍海洋與白色沙灘。 別墅坐擁得天獨厚的天然海灘,在這裡浮潛可以輕易觀察到豐富的海底生物,相當適合在此放鬆身心靈,享受自然海灘的寧靜。

Ronda,中米沙鄢(Central Visayas),菲律宾
距離 Magellan's Cross 61.92 公里(38.5 英尺)
65 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整棟度假別墅 6 張床 10 位 4 間臥室 4 間衛浴

可入住人數: 10

the staff were also accommodating and helpful
bryan/ host is very nice and kind
the staff were very kind and helpful
the staff was very helpful and respected our privacy
the staff are nice and accommodating specially marie and emilia
the location is good because it is only about 45min- 1
fantastic location and property this place definitely was the highlight of our trip to cebu
villa presito is a wonderful house in a beautiful location
if you’re looking for privacy zen place to relax this is the place to be
the pizzas were awesome and we wish we had booked more time at the place
extremely clean and with a private beach
house is very clean
room is nice and clean view was very beautiful
the spectacular wide sea view was amazing and can enjoy the sunset over the pool area
wish there were pool chairs seems odd to have such a beautiful pool with no pool chairs
the pool is superb a great length for a decent swim and beautiful natural stone
beautiful spacious and amazing views with the infinity pool overlooking the ocean
we got to enjoy the beautiful infinity pool


宿霧市有著適合全年旅遊的氣候,以及得天獨厚的天然景觀。這篇文章推薦菲律賓宿霧市 8 家豪華度假別墅,無論您想要放鬆身心靈,或是想要展開一場海底冒險,這些別墅都能滿足您的需求。 這些別墅不僅有豪華的裝潢和設備,還有親切專業的管理團隊,讓您感受到賓至如歸的氣氛。如果您想要度過一個難忘的假期,那麼這些別墅是您的最佳選擇。

聲明: 本站所有內容是經由專業團隊進行獨立評估後選取的。部分信息包含合作夥伴連結。


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菲律賓宿霧市 12 家最佳海灘度假村推薦 - 2024 最新版