預算低也坐擁星級享受:越南胡志明市 10 家最佳民宿推薦

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越南最大城胡志明市的城市文化充滿活力,更有眾多景點與活動。毫無意外的是,遊客湧入這座城市,是因它有豐富歷史、繁華夜生活及美味的越南菜餚。但遊客可能不知的是,胡志明市也有一些很棒的民宿,讓您身歷其境體驗城市及當地文化。本文中,筆者將向大家推薦越南胡志明市的 10 家最佳民宿,想去越南的您,是時候開始做筆記囉!

在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次更新於 December 20, 2024。

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我們已與 Airbnb、Booking.com、Agoda、Expedia、GetYourGuide、Viator、RVShare 等眾多備受信賴的知名品牌建立了長期穩定的合作關係。


Trip101 的作家、編輯和內容管理團隊全權負責策劃並發布平台上所有旅遊內容,包括目的地指南、住宿推薦和旅遊小貼士。團隊成員憑藉其在旅遊領域的深厚底蘊與豐富經驗,確保每一份作品,無論是文字敘述還是視覺呈現,在面世前都歷經層層嚴格審核與精心打磨。我們團隊的多篇佳作已榮登《Travel+Leisure》、《National Today》、《印度快報》、《印度電訊報》、《Robb Report》等權威媒體,並在《冒險手冊》、《Tripoto》、韓國旅遊局與文化體育觀光部等官方機構的平台上大放異彩。部分作家更是美國旅遊作家協會及國際旅遊作家與攝影師聯盟等專業組織的成員。

團隊中的每位成員都嚴格遵循 Trip101 的工作流程編輯標準,致力於保障所發佈內容的準確性、真實性和相關性。

1. 風格簡約並附設花園的單間公寓 (USD 61 起 )

這是一間風格簡約的一室公寓,最多可容納 4 位房客。該公寓位置便利,距離胡志明市最大的濱城市場約 15 分鐘。房源設施齊全,包括生活設備及嬰兒床,還可觀賞 Netflix。其中最值得體驗的是其客廳——一個舒服小窩,通向一座小巧的私人花園,很適合住客放鬆休息,推薦給超想紓壓放鬆的您!

Ho Chi Minh ,胡志明市,越南
198 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套出租房源 2 張床 4 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

staffs was very friendly and nice
so wonderful space and staff were amazing
amazing stay at the botanist lab very helpful hosts :) amazing neighborhood
the hosts are as always with this team attentive to detail and instantly responsive
host should make friendly map to navigate customers better
good location recommend to stay
good location quiet and private
love the location and the nicely-decorated house
nice and convenient and close to the airport
it’s located in a quiet and peaceful area which surrounded by a lot of nice cafe and restaurant
the room is clean
the place is clean location is perfect
the room is big and so clean the support team is so active and lovely
room were clean and bright the design were modern and comfortable
nice lounge to watch movies and chill in room
loveeee the movie space we used it as our sleeping space as well since it was so comfortable
2 beds and 1 lounging comfort space that was remarkable
there is a shared kitchen with some great coffee making tools apart from the private kitchen
well-equipped and cozy place with good touch of design

2. 地理位置優越的整套服務式公寓 (USD 31 起 )

房源最多可容納 3 位住客,最大特點是位置便捷,步行可抵達咖啡館、觀光景點、便利店等;根據過往住客評價,其房間非常寬敞、乾淨,且設施齊全,包括可自行烹飪三餐的廚房、 WiFi 網路、居家安全設施等。不少住客皆盛讚房源性價比高,相當適合華人住客;房東自 2018 起,更連續 4 年獲選 Airbnb 超讚房東,值得體驗!

79 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套服務式公寓 1 張床 3 位 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 3

the host was very nice and quick response
thank you very much to thi the super host
thi is a really good host he answer really fast when we have some questions
thi is a very friendly and helpful host
location facilities price quick response from host everything is satisfactory the room i stayed in was fashionable and clean
very spacious and great location
great place to stay very near to central
location also easy to access city's enjoyable area ~
great value place right in the heart of everything
nice big room in a great location
safe quiet & clean place
the place is super clean and convenient
it's so nice and clean and kind
clean & quiet good place
it’s a nice place to stay clean and comfortable
the air conditioning ran cold which was such a nice relief from the heat outside
the room was very large and provided a lot of space to spread out and relax
the shower water pressure wasn’t strong but we never ran out of hot water which was very appreciated

3. 位於市中心、溫馨舒適的獨立房間 (USD 17 起 )

房源最多可容納 2 位住客,且位置絕佳,步行數分鐘可抵胡志明市著名景點,例如濱城市場、碧文街等;房源設計優雅舒適、配備完善,具洗、乾衣機,親子設施,免費停車場等。公寓可自助入住,流程更獲 90% 住客五星評分,且房東允許房客在內吸菸,因此非常適合情侶、小家庭及喜愛吸菸者入住。

265 住客評語   無線網絡 有
聯排別墅中的獨立單間 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

the host is very nice and quick response too
nice host with very stylish place
friendly easy going host
the host is friendly and very kind
the host was very nice and gave tips on where to check go
this place is central downtown of saigon and pretty central to everything
great value for good location
nice room convenient check in and good location
it's easy to find the place also really convenient to travel around to other locations
great place to stay in hcm highly recommend
everything was clean and amazing
very clean and comfortable to stay
the place is clean nice and cozy
lovely place clean and convenient
very clean nice design convenient

4. 擁有五星城市景色、設計高雅的私有公寓

這棟私有公寓由超讚房東、越南本地住宿接待公司 CIRCADIAN 經營,最多可容納 5 位住客。房源離胡志明市市中心僅約 5 分鐘路程,且設備齊全,包括廚房、免費洗衣機、可觀賞 Apple TV 、 Netflix 的高畫質電視等。公寓最獨特的是景色,從長臥室陽台,可欣賞日落;客廳陽台上,則可飽覽越南最高建築 Landmark 81 ,值得您入住。

166 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套公寓 3 張床 5 位 2 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 5

the host and all the staff were friendly to answer all the questions
mikey was very helpful and answered any questions we had
the hosts here are great
great host quick responses comfy bed
nice group of host responsive
comfortable stay and fantastic location
great location and lovely apartment
very cozy place in a very cool neighborhood in binh thanh
we couldn’t get over how cute the place was it’s designed so beautifully
the apartment is beautiful the location is great and the entire experience is wonderful
the house was sparkling clean and the decoration was a plus
sparkling clean and love the small touches especially the coffee bar
the apartment was as described with great amenities comfy beds and city views
cozy and pretty place with beatiful view
the wifi works really well the beds were very comfortable and the water provided was great
amazing views easy access to the apartment and great communication from the team at all hours of the day
the apartment itself is beautifully decorated and had the most comfortable beds and the softest sheets

Ho Chi Minh City Tour Guide

Luan Larry

Luan Larry

My educational background was an English teacher and I got a bachelor's degree in English teaching methodologies. However I have only lived my life since I became a tour guide. Here are my personalities that make me suitable to be a tour guide : outgoing - friendly - enthusiastic - resourceful - knowledgable - humorous and super passionate. I've been guiding countless groups of English speaking... Read more

Tours by Luan

5. 擁有越南古老氣息的私密舒適閣樓空間 (USD 35 起 )

房源由超讚房東 Anh 經營,最多容納 2 位住客。閣樓位於胡志明市市中心安靜巷內,步行可抵碧文街、范五老街,但正因隱身小巷內,使您仍能享好眠。閣樓具壯麗景觀,設計靈感源自淮安古鎮, Anh 盼將越南的古色古香,介紹給在該國最現代化胡志明市遊歷的您。內部設施完善,將給您如家般自在感。但房源位處頂樓,無電梯,建議行李輕便為主。

471 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整個閣樓 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

wonderful host and gorgeous place to spend alone time
the place was cozy and stylish and host was friendly
the apartment is gorgeous and the host is kind responsive and very helpful
he final spiral staircase is tight but the host will help you up
such a great experience with the supportive host
great location and a stylish place
great location stylish hipster apartment
very nice room great location
quiet and peaceful yet stylish and sunfilled
quiet and hidden from the main streets this a place of tranquility and serenity
everything was so clean even the ac smelled clean (it doesn't even smell so clean at my house bahaha)
this place is super nice and cozy and it was really really clean
loved the balcony the bathroom and anh’s great hospitality
this place was great the room and bathroom looked the same as in the photos
the unit is comfortable stylish with some nice touches (bluetooth speaker)
very lovely apartment with lots of light

6. 位於市中心、獲 Airbnb Plus 認證的時尚公寓 (USD 50 起 )

公寓同樣由超讚房東 Anh 經營,最多可容納 4 位住客,有 1 間臥室、 2 張床及 1 間衛浴。房源位於胡志明市市中心小巷內,步行 5 分鐘可抵碧文街、范五老街,位置便利;內部設施有洗乾衣機,完善廚房,免費停車位等。筆者會力推這棟公寓,最主要它獲 Airbnb Plus 認證,代表房源經 Airbnb 品質審核,設備齊全,房東擁有出色待客之道,公寓具備匠心獨具的細節。因此,請您趕快預定囉!

407 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套公寓 2 張床 4 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 4

the host was very responsive
the hosts are professionals and helpful
the hosts were very helpful with any questions we had
i even asked the owner where he bought his beautiful pillows
great hosts and a great unit
location was great for district 1
amazing place great location highly recommend
but it’s in a central area so it’s easy to get around
excellent location and plenty of space
adorable well appointed apartment in a great location
spotlessly clean comfortable and very quiet at night
vintage style with details & clean
charming and stylish apartment with all the lovely touches the bluebooth speaker sounded amazing
the two beds were prefect us and they were comfortable
the apartment was off the main street which made it nice and quiet
the apartment was beautiful and our stay was super relaxing

7. 免費使用游泳池與健身房的單間公寓 (USD 33 起 )

這間公寓由房東 Ha 經營,最多可接待 3 位住客,有 1 張床與 1 間衛浴。房源位於胡志明市的吉亞丁公園旁,僅需 5 分鐘車程可抵新山一機場( Tân Sơn Nhất Airport ),生活機能相當便利;其設計將使您舒適如家,卻與五星級酒店一樣方便,包括 24 小時保全、 WiFi 、設備齊全的廚房、洗衣機等。公寓最值得推薦之處,在於可免費使用屋頂的游泳池及健身房,喜愛運動的人,千萬別錯過!

135 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整套出租房源 1 張床 3 位 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 3

the host was responsive and quick to help make accomodation
love the host in quick response
host provided everything you will need from washing machine to entertainment
although i did not meet the host the building staff were very helpful when we needed assistance
more over ha is a superb host very nice and quick response to my message
very nice cozy apartment close to the airport
great place and great location thanks
very near to airport quiet and good for stay
i loved how close this place was to the airport and gia dinh park everything was easy and perfect
i would definitely recommend this specific airbnb for travelers who need a close accommodation to the airport
space is clean and spacious
very comfortable and clean place
the place was clean and stylish
what a clean stylish apartment with everything you need
the room is spacious and super clean
the amenities were great (gym and pool)
the apartment was clean and had all the amenities i needed
check-in was easy and the room was exactly as described

8. 近機場、安全、豪華的居室公寓 (USD 30 起 )

公寓由友善房東 Teddy&Lindy 兩位女士共同擁有經營,最多可容納 3 位住客,有 1 間臥室、 2 張床及 1 間衛浴。其生活機能非常方便,近新山一機場,一樓及地下室即有 24 小時便利商店及超市;內部設備完善齊全,包括電視(可使用 Netflix )、配有烹飪用具的廚房、免費的水/茶/咖啡等。想於假期充分運動的人,千萬要預訂此公寓,因其有免費共用室外遊泳池;房源所在區域安全,推薦給您!

Phường 2,胡志明市,越南
74 住客評語   無線網絡 有
整套出租房源 2 張床 3 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 3

the host was friendly and helpful
friendly hosts who were very helpful
teddy is very nice local host
check in was a breeze and teddy was very responsive throughout our stay
nice apartment close to the airport
perfect location if you need to stay close to the airport
nice place close to the airport
great place very close to the airport
great value and location to airport
a nice clean and convenience place to stay
the room was clean and had beautiful decorations
teddy's place is nice and clean
a small but very clean and comport room with kind and beautiful host
i 10/10 recommend to anyone who needs a nice clean place to stay
full of cafés and amenities downstairs easy check-in process lovely apartment perfect for a couple
hopefully the bed is softer when you stay

9. 靠近機場、有超棒入住體驗的單間公寓

此單間公寓是由房東 Que Lam 及其團隊營運管理,是整座房源中的獨立房間,所以必須與其他住客共用廚房、客廳及摩托車停車位,最多可接待 2 人,有 1 間臥室、 1 張床及 1 間獨立浴室。公寓位於新山一機場與市中心之間,附近有眾多商店、餐廳、咖啡廳等,生活機能極為便利。值得一提的是, 93% 的過往住客給予房源五星級入住體驗,推薦給喜愛自住入住、無繁瑣手續的朋友。

72 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
民居裡的房間 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

host was very helpful and quick to respond
que lam is a wonderful host
the host was really nice and easy to contact
que lam is an awesome host who is understanding and also helpful
he was helpful and friendly
amazing value for money great location
i’ll definitely come back and i’m glad i chose his place to stay for this summer
this was a great place to stay when coming from the airport after a long flight
location cleanliness are all great
great place very easy to find
clean room and building
clean quite and very well arranged
very clean and nice place for the price
the place is very clean friendly ambient
the place is clean well-kept and very comfortable
the room has natural light so you don't need to use electronic all the time
overall i enjoyed staying in this apartment
the room was simple but comfortable

10. 擁有絕佳位置與景觀的頂樓公寓 (USD 109 起 )

公寓由超讚房東 Daisy’S House 營運管理,最多可容納 2 位住客。房源位於大樓 19 樓,該大樓是個高級社區,除能欣賞胡志明市的壯麗景觀外,生活機能與內部設備皆很棒!與胡志明市其它許多空間不同,這間頂樓公寓房客無宵禁規定,您可隨意出入大樓內其它設施,例如健身房。但需注意,房源不適合早睡或淺眠者,因會從 21 樓屋頂酒吧傳來音樂,直至凌晨 1 點。推薦給夜貓子!

1区,Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh,越南
126 住客評語   超讚房東 無線網絡 有
整套服務式公寓 1 張床 2 位 1 間臥室 1 間衛浴

可入住人數: 2

the host is also very well communicative and responsive
great host i messaged at midnight and received immediate response
the host was super helpful and helped set up a perfect surprise for my wife’s birthday
thanks for your host daisy
host was very friendly and communication with her was fine
we enjoyed our stay the location was right in the middle of the city close to everything
perfect location will book again soon
daisy’s place was awesome it’s located on the top floor of a great location
convenient location and helpful staff
walkable distance to everything everyone in the building was friendly and helpful
the apartment was very clean and beautiful
it was extremely clean and comfortable and very spacious
the accomodation was very clean i love the bed and the shower
everything was great; the premise was clean and new
the place was very clean and well equipped with necessary amenities
the bed was very comfortable and the ac worked perfectly to keep us cool
the apt was stunning and everything we wished for in our last few days in vietnam before flying home
central in district 1 with an amazing view to wake up to and a cozy yet fancy space


相信大家看完這 10 間房源介紹,會發現:這些民宿都相當有水準,但價格十分親民。這 10 間民宿的平均房價為 45.2 美金(依筆者寫稿日房價計算),轉換成台幣才 1365 元,扣除第十間房源超出平均許多的價位,若與越南胡志明市五星級酒店相較,價格上更親民。所以,心動不如馬上行動,趕緊手刀預定!

聲明: 本站所有內容是經由專業團隊進行獨立評估後選取的。部分信息包含合作夥伴連結。


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