Grace Chow

Contributing Writer
Linguist by day but an all-day wanderluster - if there exists such word. She dreams of living in a house surrounded by lush palm trees and an ocean at her doorstep. Having a love-hate relationship with the cold weather, she struggles even more with a tropical climate back in Singapore. She yearns to know more every day, and since the world is her 'oyster', she will have big dreams of finding the pearls everywhere she goes. In the mean time, she wanderlusts through the mighty virtual pen she holds on to.
Linguist by day but an all-day wanderluster - if there exists such word. She dreams of living in a house surrounded by lush palm trees and an ocean at her doorstep. Having a love-hate relationship with the cold weather, she struggles even more with a tropical climate back in Singapore. She yearns to know more every day, and since the world is her 'oyster', she will have big dreams of finding the pearls everywhere she goes. In the mean time, she wanderlusts through the mighty virtual pen she holds on to.

Good things are meant to be shared!
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