Naomi Baum

Contributing Writer
Naomi L. Baum, Ph.D., in an international consultant in the field of trauma and resilience. In this capacity, she has travelled widely working with communities that have been hit by earthquakes, hurricanes and terror, from Mexico to Nepal. She created the BRI-Building Resilience Intervention, a program that she has implemented extensively in both Israel and abroad. Since transitioning from full time work to private consulting, Naomi has picked up the pace of her travels and has begun to write about them. She is the author of several books including "Life Unexpected: A Trauma Psychologist Journeys through Breast Cancer," and "Isresilience: What the World Can Learn from Israelis." Naomi, an intrepid traveler loves taking to the road with any willing partners including her children and husband. She enjoys scuba diving, cycling, and cooking and blogs her travels. She is a mother of 7, grandmother of 23 and married to the same man for more than 45 years and lives in Israel.
Naomi L. Baum, Ph.D., in an international consultant in the field of trauma and resilience. In this capacity, she has travelled widely working with communities that have been hit by earthquakes, hurricanes and terror, from Mexico to Nepal. She created the BRI-Building Resilience Intervention, a program that she has implemented extensively in both Israel and abroad. Since transitioning from full time work to private consulting, Naomi has picked up the pace of her travels and has begun to write about them. She is the author of several books including "Life Unexpected: A Trauma Psychologist Journeys through Breast Cancer," and "Isresilience: What the World Can Learn from Israelis." Naomi, an intrepid traveler loves taking to the road with any willing partners including her children and husband. She enjoys scuba diving, cycling, and cooking and blogs her travels. She is a mother of 7, grandmother of 23 and married to the same man for more than 45 years and lives in Israel.

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